Friday, March 22, 2019

What causes the skin to wrinkle with age?

What causes the skin to wrinkle with age?

The skin is made up of three layers:

the outermost layer everyone can see called the epidermis.
the middle layer called the dermis.
the innermost layer called the subcutaneous layer.

When we're young, we don't have wrinkles because the skin does a great job of stretching and holding in moisture. The dermis has an elastic quality thanks to fibers called elastin that keep the skin looking and feeling young. A protein in the dermis called collagen also plays a part in preventing wrinkles.
But over time, the dermis loses both collagen and elastin, so the skin gets thinner and has trouble getting enough moisture to the epidermis. The fat in the subcutaneous layer that gives skin a plump appearance also begins to disappear, the epidermis starts to sag, and wrinkles form.
#skin #wrinkle #epidermis #dermis #subcutaneous #moisture #fiber #collagen #elastin

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

How to Stop Pimple?

Simple Remedy 
If Pimple comes in the face, take some face powder and apply it on the pimples. Don't apply all over the face. Apply only on pimple affected place. You can apply during night time. The Pimple will be cured within four to five days. There will be no Dark Spots(Marks)  on your face.
Don't touch pimples. Apply powder on it.
Drink more water
Apply face powder only on pimples

I prefer this Face Powder. Because you can apply daily. It protects your Skin

If you Find Pimples. Don't feel. There is a Good solution. But touch your pimple until it goes. Because it will spread from one place to another place.

Apply face powder on the particular pimple spot. Don't apply fully on your face. 

You can get your clear skin like this 

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Multani Metti or Fuller’s Earth Face Pack -Herbal

Multani Metti or Fuller’s Earth Face Pack

Grind it using a Stone or hammer and make it into powder

Take a spoon of Multani Mitti Mix it with  Curd 

Make a Paste 
And apply on face daily. Leave it for 10 -15 minutes 

Mixing Combination with Multani Mitti

Take a spoon of Multani Mitti mix it with Below and make a Pack and Apply on Face, Body, Hands, and Legs
Liquid: Mix it with Water or Rose Water or Curd  or Egg white or honey or  milk or Olive oil or Vitamin E oil or Peppermint Oil(Allergies)
Juices: Mix it (with Fruit Juice or Vegetable Juice ) with papaya or carrot  or potato juice or tomato juice or Orange Juice  or cucumber juice or grapes juice or lemon juice or coconut cream or Aloe vera juice 
Powder: Mix it with Neem Powder or Sandal Powder or Mint Powder or Sugar powder or Almond powder  or Besan powder or Vegetable powder or Fruit powder or Turmeric Powder or Walnut Powder or Orange Powder or cinnamon powder 

Monday, March 18, 2019

FRUITS - Fresh, Canned, Frozen, or Dried

    Fruits always have been very essential in the growth and development of human life. It is recommended to consume 2 cups of fruits per day. The healthiest choice is fresh fruits or frozen without added sweeteners.
    Fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories, and rich in potassium, fiber & vitamin C. Some high-potassium fruits include peaches, cantaloupe, honeydew, oranges, and bananas. A fiber in fruit helps to protect against heart disease and lower cholesterol. Vitamin C in foods like citrus and strawberries helps with wound healing and keeps gums and teeth healthy.
   Any fruit or 100% fruit juice counts as part of the Fruit Group. Fruits may be fresh, canned, frozen, or dried, and may be whole, cut-up, or pureed. In general, 1 cup of fruit or 100% fruit juice, or ½ cup of dried fruit can be considered as 1 cup from the Fruit Group.





½ cup of 100% orange juice (4 fluid ounces) counts as ½ cup-equivalent in the Fruit Group

Saturday, February 23, 2019



1. Don't Take Sugar foods(sweets)

Sugar triggers a process called glycation in the blood. Glycation occurs when a covalent bond forms between a sugar molecule and a protein or a lipid molecule. 

These new molecules are called AGEs—advanced glycation end products. AGEs interfere with the cellular and molecular functions in the body, and they release several harmful and oxidizing by-products and side-products during the process of their formation.

These AGEs are more reactive than their parent sugars and damage the endothelium, fibrinogen, and collagen in the body, causing cardiac and vascular diseases. They’re also linked to a myriad of diseases in the body, including Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.

To bring things back to the focus of this article, AGEs also damage the substances needed to keep your skin clear, youthful and vibrant, substances such as collagen, fibrin, and elastin.

This causes your clear skin to lose its firmness and elasticity, and soon enough, it’s not clear at all.

The healthier substitute for sugar is stevia. Stevia is a sweet herb and is 40 times sweeter than sugar. Best of all, it has zero calories and a very low glycemic index.

I hope these clear skin natural remedies really sink in for you. Most people know that maintaining a healthy diet is very important, but don’t realize not doing so can even affect their skin health. Don’t fall into that trap.

2. Don't  sit on the dust places(open window side of the bus, car etc.,)

House dust mites are microscope bugs that primarily live on dead skin cells regularly shed from humans and their animal pets. Dust mites are generally harmless to most people.

They don't carry diseases, but they can cause allergic reactions in asthmatics and others who are allergic to their feces. People sometimes confuse dust mites with bed bugs

3. Avoid Oil Fried Foods (chips)

Vegetable oils, when superheated, are highly oxidative and reactive and release free radicals in the body. These free radicals act like toxins and cause oxidative stress in the cells, which cause them to age faster.

Which in turn means you age faster, including your skin; spots, wrinkles, blemishes, you name it.

These vegetable oils also induce inflammation in the body, which spells even more trouble for your clear skin.

The healthier options are coconut oil and olive oil, but you should still be very careful that you don’t heat them too high.

I’m not saying I never eat fried foods, but wherever possible, I opt for grilled, braised or smoked dishes. They’re so much healthier, and especially in the case of grilled foods, often taste better.

4. Avoid Foods with High Glycemic and Gluten Load (Wheat, Barley & Rye)

Foods like wheat, barley, and rye contain gluten, which is unhealthy for your gut and skin.

Gluten is a medley of proteins Glutenin and Gliadin, and these are responsible for imparting elasticity to the dough.

However, they’re also responsible for wreaking havoc on your gut.

Food preparations like bread, pasta, cakes, croutons, and tortillas which are made from these cereals really aren’t that good for you, no matter how tasty they are.

A gluten-related disorder is the umbrella term accorded to a list of autoimmune and allergic diseases associated with gluten. It includes celiac disease, wheat allergy, non-celiac gluten-sensitivity, dermatitis herpetiformis, and gluten ataxia. 

5. Avoid Dairy Products.

Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and chocolate contain casein, a protein that is particularly difficult for the digestive system to process, and lactose, a sugar which is hard to digest for people without a certain amount of lactase enzyme.

 Milk products may also increase the number of inflammatory cytokines in the body, resulting in psoriasis to redden, flake and spread across the body. While high in protein and calcium, the risks and adverse effects of dairy consumption seem to outweigh the benefits.

6. Avoid Coffee 

Coffee contains polyphenolic compounds called tannins and, of course, caffeine, which is a psychoactive chemical. Here’s why these two compounds deliver a one-two punch to your health and your skin:

Consuming too much of coffee tannins can cause blockage of the pores. This, in turn, can cause an outbreak of acne and result in dull and oily skin. It also causes dehydration and can make your skin look brittle, dry and rough.

Caffeine increases the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which affects insulin sensitivity of the cells and may lead to weight gain.

Have you ever woken up after a stressful day to find a monster-sized zit staring back at you? There’s a definite link between stress and skin breakouts. [1]

7. Avoid Alcohol

I find that I can have a glass or two of red wine without any serious repercussions, although sometimes the glasses get a little bit too big and my skin becomes more inflamed and red than usual.

 Red wine is also a terrific source of resveratrol, a potent antioxidant, but only when consumed in small doses. While red wine is allegedly one of the more inflammatory alcohols, I can’t resist the occasional glass to appreciate life’s finer moments.

8. Avoid Lotions, Makeups and face cream at night (sleep).

 Makeup accumulation can seriously clog pores, which, over time, can lead to acne. Worse, leaving your makeup on overnight does not allow your skin to repair itself. Your skin endures a lot of oxidative stress throughout the day and the resulting free radicals will do damage if not neutralized. 

So, get rid of your makeup and layer on the antioxidant-rich products to keep skin cells happy and healthy. Learn more about the skin care benefits of antioxidants.

9. Don't over-cleanse Your Skin

No matter your skin type, you want to wash your face at least once a day — in the evening to remove any dirt, makeup, oil, and grime that's built up on your skin throughout the day.

If your skin has a "tight and dry feeling," you know you've gone overboard, says Hewett. "It can also feel sensitive or shows signs of sensitivity with reddish, dry patches."

Typically, this isn't so much about how frequently you're washing your face, but which cleanser you're using. "Overwashing usually results from using a cleanser that's too harsh for your skin.

10. Don't Smoke


 On top of a long list of evils, smoking breaks down elastic fibers in the skin (which is why smokers' complexions look yellow) and revs up the enzyme responsible for breaking down collagen (and that definitely leads to wrinkles).

11. Not having enough Sleep

Getting less than seven hours of shut-eye can make your skin duller and fine lines (like the ones around your eyes) more obvious. "Your skin can rebound from the occasional late night, especially when you're young, but a few in a row will catch up with you, Bright screens suppress melatonin, a hormone that makes us sleepy and regulates our circadian rhythms.

 That second part is a biggie. When melatonin levels drop and your circadian rhythm gets thrown off, your skin cells can't turn over as efficiently, causing even more wrinkles and dullness over time

12. Forgetting Face Wipes or Washing Your Face 

Washing your face before bed or after Spinning can be a pain. We get that. But letting makeup, dirt, and bacteria linger can cause breakouts, dullness, and even wrinkles over time. Which brings us to face-cleansing wipes: A single towelette removes a day's worth of grime, and you won't need to haul yourself to the sink. 

Note: Keep them on your nightstand or in your gym bag so you actually remember to use them.

13. Don't touch your face with dirty hands

When you touch your face, whatever is on your hand's transfers to your skin. Your hardworking hands come into contact with dirt, grime, and a whole lot of other unsavory stuff, to ensure that you wash your hands often and minimize their contact with your face. 

The same advice applies to the cell phone that you hold up to your face. Make sure you clean it regularly.

14. Don’t clean your makeup brushes.

Besides being good for keeping your makeup looks on fleek, cleaning your makeup brushes on a regular basis is also a fundamental aspect of a good skincare routine. "If not properly cleaned, makeup brushes can carry hordes of bacteria that can cause serious damage to the skin.

You should spritz your brushes once a week with a cleansing spray and deep clean them once a month with shampoo or gentle soap.

15. Do Not Use Products With Toxic Ingredients

Chemical ingredients like the ones that make up artificial fragrance, or mineral oil, parabens, bismuth oxychloride, and propylene glycol can affect your skin appearance and your health in a myriad of ways.

 Be proactive in the fight against the signs of aging by using products that include organic and natural ingredients that are nourishing, effective, and beautifying.

Although the FDA has frequently found contamination, illegal ingredients and other problems in the soaring quantities of imported cosmetics

 (e.g., bacterial contamination, illegal color additives that can cause skin or eye injuries, ingredients that were not on the label as required, and even unsafe chemical substances like mercury in such dangerous amounts that it could lead to kidney and nervous system damage), 

16. Do not pick at pimples or other skin imperfections

You have probably heard that popping your pimples is a fast-track solution to clearer skin, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

 The gooey stuff that comes out of pimples is bacteria and oil, so when you do pick at them you do one of two things: push the goo further into the infected pore or allow it to disperse into other pores, ultimately causing more pimples.

 If you have a problem pimple that needs to go, visit a dermatologist or esthetician who has been trained to remove them safely.

17. Stopping your acne treatment

 You get busy; you think acne isn't that serious, or you just keep holding out hope that something on the store shelf is going to work.

The longer you wait, though, the longer it will take to get your acne under control. Acne may get worse, and you run the risk of scarring. If cost is an issue, consider the amount of money you can spend on OTC products that aren't working for you. 

 Acne treatment needs time to work. Using a different product every few days can also irritate your skin, causing new breakouts.

If a treatment works for you, you should notice some improvement in 4 to 6 weeks. It can take 2 to 3 months or longer to see clearing.

If you notice improvement, keep using the treatment. Even when you see clear, you'll want to keep using the acne treatment. This helps to prevent new breakouts.

18. Not replacing your loofah often enough

Your loofah scrubs dead skin cells off of your body, which "get caught in all of the nooks and crannies of the fibrous matrix of the loofah,". 

When you're done scrubbing, chances are you leave the loofah in the bathroom until its next use. This is the opportune moment for bacteria to cultivate. 

"The shower environment is a nice, humid environment -- there's not a lot of air circulation, and it's a great place for bacteria to hang out,". The bacteria eat any organic matter -- like those discarded skin cells -- left behind in the loofah.

19.  You don't shower right after a workout

 Working out regularly is great for your health; however, not showering after a workout can definitely put you in a sticky situation.

 Washing your hair, blowdrying, and applying makeup are necessities, but lathering up with some soap and water within 2-3 hours of exercising can keep skin clean, acne at bay, and odors fresh (which everyone will appreciate, of course).

As a certified health coach, I encourage clients to squeeze in time for a sweat session, one that really gets their heart rates up and skin to perspire. 

Sweating is awesome; it means you're detoxifying the body, clearing the skin, and working your body to its fullest potential. 

However, sitting in sweat for the remainder of the day or night can be pretty gross, and it can lead to clogged pores, gross smells, and less hygienic habits that can negatively impact health if not addressed stat.

20. You use a high SPF so you apply less sunscreen (or apply it less frequently)

"People tend to put on less sunblock than what is recommended," This means that when they use a tiny amount of SPF 80 sunblock, they’re essentially putting on the equivalent of 20 SPF."

And using a high SPF doesn’t mean you can go longer without reapplying. No matter how high the SPF is, it still needs to be reapplied frequently—there really is no such thing as too much sunscreen.

"The absolute best thing you can do for your skin is to apply sunscreen every single day," 
"Because many signs of aging are caused or exacerbated by sun damage, sunscreen is the best anti-aging treatment in your skin care routine."

If you’re sitting inside all day, you still need sun protection. "Most car, home, and office windows protect against UVB rays," he explains, "but they leave you unprotected from UVA rays that cause premature signs of aging as well as skin cancer."

Wear a broad spectrum every day. That way, you can shield your skin from both UVA and UVB rays.

21. You always shower in the morning

Dermatologists say that an evening shower is good for your skin because it cleans it before sleep. Basically, there's always something in the air (dirt, germs, pollution) and the last thing you want to do is leave that on your skin while you go smush yourself into pillows and sheets for eight hours.

If you're an allergy sufferer, a night shower is best to wash the pollen off your skin and hair before you try to go to sleep. Or for the months of March and April, you could just strip down and shower as soon as you walk in the door every evening.

But a shower at night affects your circadian rhythm, too, in a good way. Sleep experts note that a nighttime shower changes your body temperature in a way that may help you get to sleep faster and more easily.

Showering twice a day isn't a problem, either, as long as you keep the showers short. For example, if you're a night showerer, a quick morning rinse may help jump-start your day.

22. You turn to the tanning bed (or sunbathe) to clear up acne

Many people with problematic acne have touted the benefits of tanning as a way to clear up acne. that’s not so true. 

"While tanning can briefly hide the visible irritation of acne, it can, in fact, make acne worse, as it leads ultimately to dry skin, which promotes more oil production." And as we all know, more oil production can mean more acne.

"Tanning also fosters sweating, which can lead to clogged pores and can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin." The end result? Your pre-existing acne scars may appear even darker.

23. sleeping on pillowcases washed with toxic laundry detergent

"Washcloths and loofahs can harbor bacteria, mold, and yeast, among other harmful things," "Make sure you allow your loofah to dry completely each time and replace it frequently."
Use Separate Towels and Loofahs to protect your skin from fungal infection.

24. using unnatural makeup

Many makeup brands, I’m going to say most, use ingredients that can cause you harm. Putting those chemicals on our skin freaks us out, and we’re kind of confused about why these toxic chemicals are being put in makeup products, to begin with.

 Unnatural makeup products can clog your pores, irritate your skin, and create a barrier that keeps your skin from breathing. So, your skin gets worse over time as you use them. We favor natural mineral makeups without added preservatives and fragrances. 

They’re a healthy way to even out your skin tone and cover imperfections.

25. Not Exfoliating

Sloughing off dead skin cells aren't supposed to hurt. If a scrub or peel stings or leaves your skin red and blotchy, toss it; along with flaky skin, it's wiping away your skin's natural hydrating oils.

 Gritty scrubs (which often contain rough natural exfoliators like kernels or seeds) and harsh peels can cause irritation and inflammation, which leads to clogged pores—and even brown spots and wrinkles, Brandt says. 

Use a gentle exfoliator with microbeads or sugar (we like Olay Regenerist Advanced Anti-Aging Regenerating Cream Cleanser) just once or twice a week, or a mild peel with lactic acid once a week

#skincare #dermatologist #skin #chemicals #sideaffects #acne #pores #clearskin #amazingskin #coach #shower #lotion #makeup #tan #tanning #exfoliating #cleanser #sunscreen #spf #shower #loofah #acne #workout #chemicals #toxic #pimples #makeupbrushes #dirtyhands #sleep #overcleanse #sugar #dust #fried #oilfood #gluten #barley #wheat #dairy #coffee #alcohol #smoke #worst #badthings #toleave #lotion #makeup #cream #unnatural #overcleanse #glow

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Your's Friendly
Bhuvani Jeyanth

Friday, February 22, 2019

False Daisy Leaf For Hair Growth

False Daisy Leaf For Hair Growth

To make about 200 ml of False daisy (Kesavardhini) oil, you will need around 30 leaves of the plant and 250 ml of coconut oil.
1. Take 30 leaves and crush it.
2. Boil the leaves in oil for about 10 - 15 minutes. You can see the leaves change color and there would also be a mild fragrance.

Directions for use:
Apply to oil on your scalp and hair. Massage and leave it on.

Note: Repeat every night for lustrous healthy hair.

#hair #FalseDaisy #growth #densehair #herbs #daisyleaves #hairoil